The Hills and Dales of Ireland – Saint Paddy’s Day Profile

Here is a simple rolling hills profile set to Irish music to entertain your class. You’re either going up or down on this ride through the bonny green hills of Eire, on narrow roads lined with low stone fences through green pastures dotted with sheep, on your way to meet friends at the Mystic Celt pub. How’s that for a visual as you ride? Ride responsibly!


Here is a simple rolling hills profile set to Irish music to entertain your class. You’re either going up or down on this ride through the bonny green hills of Erie, on narrow roads lined with low stone fences through green pastures dotted with sheep, on your way to meet friends at the Mystic Celt pub. How’s that for a visual as you ride? Enjoy this profile… and ride responsibly 😉

1 Comment

  1. my class enjoyed this magical ride

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