Profile: Tears from the Moon—A Hill Repeat Lunar-Themed Ride

Lunar eclipses are fascinating celestial events. Like the solar eclipse in 2017, they make for entertaining theme rides in your cycling classes. Next week’s lunar eclipse on July 27 will be the longest lunar eclipse of this century and will turn the moon blood red.

Unfortunately it won’t be visible from North America, but those of you in Europe, South America, western Africa, and Australia will have a partial glimpse. If you’re lucky enough to be in other parts of Africa, the Middle East, India, or central Asia, you’ll get a full view. Here is some information about this total lunar eclipse that will turn the moon blood red, including where the best visibility will be.

I’ve created a versatile hill repeats profile using songs about the moon and a few songs about the eclipse. There are four climbs that get progressively longer.

To make your lunar eclipse profile more interesting, through out a few bits of trivia. Here is some information about lunar eclipses to help you out. You can Google when the next visible lunar eclipse will be in your area.

But, you don’t need a lunar eclipse to use this profile—there are many great opportunities to celebrate the moon (or just planets in general). Bring this profile out whenever there is a blue moon, a harvest moon around the autumnal equinox, or even just one of our planet’s beautiful monthly full moons. In July 2019, we’ll have the opportunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first (and only) time humans have walked on the moon! (We’ll create a special theme profile for that event and send you a notice as we get close.)

I’ve included our popular Stars, Moons, and Planets Spotify playlist below if you want to change out some of the songs. If you do a theme ride based just on the full moon, take out the three songs about the eclipse and replace them with some of the songs in this playlist. 

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