Four Holiday Profiles from the ICA Archives

We have so many great past holiday profiles on ICA. Here are the links to save you having to search through the archives. As usual, we love to hear how your riders enjoy these profiles, or if you have any changes, new song suggestions, or anecdotes, please share in the comments of the profiles.



Christmas-traditional-royalty-free-image-64020_200x200Bill Pierce, brings you his story-based profile for your holiday classes called Ridin’ for Rudolph and the Reindeer.



Shopping - OKChristine Neilsen’s Shop Till You Drop is a creative and fun profile that encourages great interaction with your students.





Jennifer’s Holiday Calorie Burner will torch those calories following a month (or longer) of over-indulgence.




Winter-SolsticeShari Miranda’s Winter Solstice profile is a great way to celebrate the season without focusing on Christmas itself, but rather on the solstice. I taught this last year with a few small changes and wrote about that here.


Keep your eyes open for links to past New Year’s profiles, including Jennifer’s popular How Big Is Your Why, and Roll With The Changes rides. We have another goal-setting ride in the works that will be ready by mid-January, perfect for the influx of new riders as well as longtime fans who love the inspiration you bring to them every year.


  1. I used the Winter Solstice profile last year and it was so awesome! I’m going to use it again this year at least once!

  2. Here’s another lovely solstice song and one of my faves for climbing: Lux Aeterna (eternal light) by Where Angels Fall, 6:11.

  3. Hi Jennifer: Where can I find “A Very Bootie Christmas?” It’s not on iTunes or Amazon? At least I don’t see it. Thanks!

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