Theme Ride Thursday: Bohemain Rhapsody, a Queen Playlist

While the reviews on the movie Bohemian Rhapsody (a story about the band Queen) are mixed, there’s one thing we can agree on—their music rocked…you! Why not capitalize on the fun and include some of their songs in an upcoming playlist? We’ve compiled some of our favorite spin-worthy tracks, including “Bicycle Race,” along with a few slower ones for recoveries and cool-downs. 



  1. Great list!
    #56: Dragon Attack
    (studio or live version)

  2. Awesome playlist – Thanks!

  3. First of all, despite the mixed reviews by movie critics I can say that it was the most fun, entertaining movie I’ve seen in a long time…and the music….AWESOME…don’t miss it! And many of Queen’s songs are great for classes..been using them for years,,,thanks for this article ICA

  4. i love Bohemian Rhapsody!! Who doesn’t right? Can anyone help me with a profile to that song? thank you Lyn.

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