Take a Stand for Indoor Cycling

Despite how much I enjoy ranting about the craziness of our industry, this article focuses on standing. I’ve heard it said far too often that the only time cyclists come out of the saddle is to climb and sprint. There is a bit more to the story. In addition to the brief descriptions below, I’ve compiled a short video at the end to demonstrate application. Like they say, a picture (or video) is worth a thousand words.



  1. Had great fun with this as a profile this week. Standing to rest, cornering on a flat road, attacking in the hills and sprinting home. I think my participants have a much better understanding of why you might stand up on the bike, it certainly kept it real. Thanks Tom.

  2. Love this! The video was great. Wondering if you can help a bit? I have a past participant who is looking to provide her new club with information about standing. She is going to a class where the instructor will have them stand for 15, 20 or 30 minutes at a time. I’ve been searching and have yet to find anything which talks about the disadvantages shall we say, of standing for such a long period of time.

    I like Diane’s comment above…Take A Stand class profile!

    1. Julie, This is a great question. I’ve made a note to write an article on this because I want to dig into it deeper myself. Personally, I’ve stood (outside) on a steep climb for over 10 minutes straight. Are there advantages/disadvantages? I would stay it boils down to how one is using it and if it is appropriate for your class demographic. If it is just jogging along on a flat road – NO. If it is used to show everyone what a hard epic instructor you are – NO. From my experience, many of our classes are composed of quite a range of abilities and fitness. Staying out of the saddle for more than 10 minutes (and even that is wicked long), would appear irresponsible and potentially discouraging for those not able to do it. I’m definitely looking forward to expanding on this.

  3. Thanks Tom, I think this calls for a future profile called “Take a Stand” A perfect way to educate our riders about leaving the saddle and why it is done. It can be fun and hardwork without popcorn jumps,hovers, isolations and tap backs. With a snowstorm brewing in the mid west it will be my project while nestled in front of the fire. Thanks for inspiration.

    1. Diane, I really like that idea!! Would make a great workshop as well (wink..wink..Jennifer). There is some much we can do that is effective and safe. It is just a matter of education and making it fun.

  4. Awesome information, thank you:)

  5. Really good stuff, Tom. Thank you!

  6. Thanks for this, Our new group ex director does not believe in “out of the saddle” claiming or on flats! WTF…. He also teaches spin! Yikes

    1. Thanks Joan….and Yikes is right! I’m not surprised, since I have to deal with this when coaching riders outside. There are some wacky myths about standing that need to be killed.

  7. This was a GREAT article and video. Very clear and specific and so I can more confidently plan my profiles and use the right thing at the right time. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Andrea. One of the fun things about riding is the different ways we can leverage the bike for various efforts. We can Keep it Real and provide fun variations at the same time.

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