There is something very powerful about a new year, a new month, even a new week, which marks a point in time for people to “change” something in their lives. The diet and fitness industry is replete with a sense of revision and metamorphosis, especially around the new year. What values will you communicate to your participants this year to assist them in creating a physically fit foundation in their life?Read more…

I’ve been curating inspirational playlists for years. These have now morphed into 33 different playlists on Spotify that have well over 3,300 empowering, motivating songs; songs that will touch your heart and help you turn the pedals. They are perfect for charity rides, special events, local fundraisers, or just when you need the perfect song to push your riders. Why not decide to become known as that instructor who has a positive message in every single class? These playlists can help you do just that.Read more…

What is a Journey Ride? I like to think of them as rides in which a challenging profile, combined with empowering coaching, compels the rider to look inward and examine his thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations during the ride. Often incorporating visualization, they transcend the physical act of riding an indoor bike and become metaphors for challenges faced outside of the cycling studio. During the course of the ride, the rider develops a much greater sense of self, often leaving with heightened confidence and a desire to take on any challenge the world throws at them. Journey rides are magical! Go experience one for yourself at Charleston Ride!Read more…