(TBT) Student Handout: What Cadence Should You Be Riding At and Why?

Do you have trouble explaining to your students why we have the cadence ranges we do? Do your students ignore your pleas to slow down the legs when they are pedaling like roadrunners and bouncing all over?

Perhaps this handout on why we should adhere to cadence ranges will help. It covers the dangers and ineffectiveness of riding outside of generally accepted cadence ranges and includes a discussion on both high and low cadence. It provides the reasons for the ranges that are generally accepted by most reputable indoor cycling programs.

This handout is two pages, so you can print it out front and back and give it to your students.

Let me know if you have any other ideas for handouts that will make your life easier as you explain challenging subjects to your students.


  1. First – thank you!! I am making copies now. too many instructors in my facility often tell students to go 120-140 rpm; my students know we don’t go over 110 (and normally we’re not going faster than 100) but they still try for 120-plus in other classes.

    Second – I would love a handout on specifically WHY we don’t do contraindicated movements – hovers, isolations, push-ups and one- and two-count jumps in class. Again, we don’t do those things in my class, but they are routinely done in other instructors’ classes. Many people believe it’s a matter of instructor style rather than something they should not do.

    Thank you for everything ICA offers!

  2. Holy words! All instructors should pay attention to their students’ fom and tecnique and teaching properly but as far as i can see (eg.: events) this is far to be understood.

  3. Nothing we don’t already know but great to review the science behind it.. Thanks for posting this… We all need a refresher to have it fresh in our minds

  4. perfect jennifer and thank you for the time and effort in providing this for us and our riders. So helpful and i look forward to future handouts.

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