red white boom fourth of july profile

Quick Profile: Red, White, and BOOM—A Patriotic Profile

Summer’s here and there are a zillion things to do, so one of the last things I want to do on my downtime is sit in front of a computer creating a new profile. I am going to share with you how I handle my summer holiday profiles in a way that reduces my input and frees up my time. My riders still love my summer theme rides, even if there is an occasional song or two that is repeated!

There are two things that Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day all have in common—they’re in the summer and they celebrate America. So, I take songs that would work well for all of these themes and use them as my base profile. Then I sprinkle in songs that are specific to the holiday. For example, for Memorial Day, I’ll add songs about heroes; for the Fourth, I add songs about fireworks, vacation, and freedom. For Labor Day, I’ll add songs about working. Rather than creating choreography for each theme-specific song, I’ll find songs of about the same bpm and a similar length that can easily be slotted in while keeping the same riding technique and intensity. The only small details that need to be worked out are any changes within the song, such as standing resistance loading, or surging the legs on the chorus, etc. Although, if you choose songs you’re already familiar with, you’re a step ahead.

In the profile below I’ve highlighted my Fourth of July songs in red font. That way you can easily determine which ones to swap out for other holidays. By using the PDF provided in all our theme ride posts, you can scan the bpm column and make your new selections. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!  Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Below are the links to our summer theme rides and playlists for quick reference. Consider making it easier on yourself by using the same profile but swapping out some songs and keeping others.

Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day


  1. Just wanted to say I used some of this – and I love the Quick Profiles!

  2. I am looking for a chart, Rate of Perceived Exertion, large enough to display in my studio. A chart 2′ X 3′ would be large enough to been seen by the riders in our studio.

    Your copyrighted chart would do just fine, I like the different colors that indicate degree of exertion.

    I am willing to purchase the chart,if they are available. Please respond.

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