Training Tools

Power Training for Indoor Cycling Chapter 14: Translation & Interpretation (part 1)

Maybe a better title for this chapter would have been ‘What’s It All Mean?’  This is really the bottom line, after all. If we are going to research the best power bikes to buy, learn how to use the power consoles, perform heart zone and power zones baseline tests, we need to know how to understand the data that flows from all this work.

The sections below will provide guidance for how to do just that; make sense out of the data. However, if you’re a life-long student, and love to read about different approaches to training, you will undoubtedly hear differing points of view on just what the data means and how to improve your power. So a word about why this is okay and should not cause you any concern, because at the end of the day, each coach or author/creator of any system for improving your sport or skill will tell you that you must do what works for you and that there is only one way to do that; it’s summed up in the term ‘evidence-based cycling’.

Evidence-Based Cycling


  1. Author

    It’s a little much to put in a blog post, but I’m glad you like it. Thanks

  2. Outstanding, as usual. This is pure gold! Great information that I will be using in classes. Thank you, Gene.

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