New Year’s Profile: Word of the Year

Christine Nielsen rocks your 2014 with a profile that will challenge the way you view resolutions. She does so by having you pick one word to become your mantra for the entire year. This helps you set sail for your goals. The coaching throughout her profile provides a plethora of motivating words to help guide you and your students to select a meaningful word to guide you throughout the year.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Download the profile and Spotify playlist below.


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea of Word of the Year instead of a New Year’s resolution ride. I’ve done this ride for the past 2 years in my cycling classes and will use the concept of “Word of the Year” in my other group fitness classes.

  2. Taught this class today. Very good workout! Thank you so much for sharing and helping me to be a better instructor!

  3. Thank you Christine for the wonderful profile. I did this ride last Saturday. I gave my participants a handout regarding this subject and asked them to think of a word they could use during the year as their mantra. I also told them that at anytime if they wanted to share their word with me that I would create a ride around that word for a future class.

  4. Chris–I taught the ride twice this past week, Monday and Wednesday (New Year’s Day). I loved it, and they did to. Great concept, great music. Thanks!

  5. Thanks so much for your feedback. Laura. I found myself speaking in a strange rhythm for about a day after I taught that class. I kept putting an emphasis on significant words. I guess it doesn’t matter if, as you say, they got the message.

  6. I did this ride Saturday a.m…….12-28-13…class enjoyed it…and as i was leaving the room, they said give your self permission to fail today or attempt to take an extra 4 mile walk… i think i got thru to them…thanks for the profile, they enjoyed the ride, and i think they got the message…..ld

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