Check Out Our Newest Music Series: Theme Ride Thursday

Whether we’re launching a new series or bringing you more video content, there’s always something cookin’ behind the scenes at the ICA. Today, we are excited to announce our newest addition to our music posts—Theme Ride Thursday!

As many of you may know, we love themes here at ICA, and theme rides are all the rage around the globe. In fact, I’ve been doing various theme rides for 20 years and sharing them with instructors. The theme playlists we’ve been compiling over the past few years have been such a success that we wanted to provide them to you on a regular basis and on a specific day. So (almost) every Thursday, we will provide you with music choices corresponding to a theme via a Spotify playlist, and in a downloadable PDF format.

The themes for Theme Ride Thursday may be seasonal or based on a holiday, it may be around a sporting event, it may be to bring awareness to a global issue, and it may be just for grins. The sky is the limit! But one thing we will always stress—a theme ride profile should follow the exact same principles of creating safe and effective profiles. That means you should still begin with an objective, then work backwards to incorporate the music you want to use. This post will give you more ideas on creating profiles, and ICA yearly premium members should consult their e-book “How to Create Empowering and Fun Profiles” for a more in-depth approach to creating profiles. Then simply apply those tactics to any theme ride!

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The fun starts tomorrow, so check back then to see what was selected as our inaugural theme!

And if you have any ideas for future Theme Ride Thursday postings, drop us a line in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!


  1. I do theme rides often.They are so much fun! One rider is getting married today so we did a “wedding” themed ride this morning . Marry the night and dear future husband were a couple of the songs. Class loved it!!!

  2. We have been doing Thursday night themes for the past few months, with a different year in music each week. We started at 1980, and have moved through the years and are now up to 1995. Riders love our music themes, and try to guess what songs we will be playing – lots of fun!

    1. Author

      That does sound like fun, Lindy! We’ll add that to our list of themes. Thanks for the idea!

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