Leap of Faith, Part 2: Breaking Free

How do you break free from your fears? How do you embrace bringing new ideas, new content, and new experiences to your studio and your students?

For many instructors the process is organic. As we learn new ideas, have new experiences, or hear a new song, we naturally bring these to our students. Yet for others, fear short-circuits this process; that little voice I wrote about in part 1 is playing in their heads.

Let us explore how taking a leap of faith can get short-circuited. Then we will explore some techniques to regain confidence and our ability to bring new ideas and experiences to our students.


  1. Author

    Robert glad you found the words that resonate with you. I highly recommend reading The Four Agreements book. The quotes I chose and paraphrased for the article worked for me in the past and continue to work for me in my life, in the studio, at my office and in my relationships. I recommend every instructor that wants to up their game and be more comfortable and confident read the book. It is an easy yet very effectual book.

  2. Thank you Byron.
    As I was reading this, I was applying your words “Don’t take it personally” to my day job as well.
    Every time I get an email from head office about something that isn’t going well, I get upset. Even when it isn’t my responsibility!
    Your statement “the maximum expression of selfishness” is perfect. You’re right! It isn’t about me!
    I’ll remember this and apply it to my daily life as well as in the studio.

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