Feeding the mind and spirit can be especially important for older students. Many are adjusting to their lives getting smaller. Aging does not need to mean loneliness, but it can. The social benefit of indoor cycling is important for everyone but especially for this population. As an indoor cycling instructor, you have the ability to help your older students with these issues and inspire them to adhere to their training program. This article tells you how you can do that.Read more…

Whenever I think of recovering faster, I hear my grandfather in the back of my head telling me to sleep faster when I only had four hours until the morning. By no means do I want you to start shortchanging your recovery time nor try to psychologically speed up the process. I do want you to consider how fast your heart rate recovers and learn some valuable information you can provide to educate your riders.Read more…

18 months ago, following a rash of press that Spinning®, and even just plain cardio, is “bad” for you, Dr. Jennifer Klau and I got together to discuss the lack of science behind these claims. Originally the audio for this interview was for members only, but I am resurrecting this and making it free for everyone to hear. This discussion specifically goes into debunking a Charles Poliquin article about the “negatives of aerobic training”.Read more…

I received an interesting query from an instructor who is worried about one of her co-instructors who takes a caffeine and Nitrous Oxide (NO) supplement prior to teaching. Students have described him as inattentive, distracted and even “psychotic”. I turned to Dr. Jennifer Klau for advice on this subject. Even if you’re not taking this particular supplement, you might want to keep Dr. Klau’s admonition in the back of your mind when considering supplements!Read more…